Et komplet udvalg af løsninger til damp og andre industrielle gasser og væsker til alle brancher. Damp- og kontrolventiler, rørledninger og specialudstyr sikrer det bedste udstyr til enhver dampinstallation.

Steam Water Mixers MX20

ADCAMix MX20 is a series of steam/water mixers designed to provide a cheap and instant source of low pressure hot water, using existing steam and cold water supplies. The mixer incorporates a safety device to ensure that live steam cannot be accidentally ejected, even if for some reason the cold water supply fails. The water temperature at the outlet of the ADCAMix is easy to control by using water and steam valves mounted at the inlets.

ADCAMAT ECRU series electrical condensate recovery units

ADCAMAT ECRU series electric condensate recovery units are recommended for transferring high temperature water such as hot condensate to a higher altitude or pressure. This condensate is usually used as boiler feed water. Standard models are prepared for flows up to 30 m³/h or higher on request. The units are composed of a horizontal condensate tank (receiver), a metallic support frame, electric pumps, level controls, valves, wired control panel and piping for connections between the different elements of the units.

ADCAMat PPT14 automatic water discharger

ADCAMat PPT14 automatic pump trap is especially recommended where stall conditions may occur due to poor vapor separator condensate removal capacity caused by temporary insufficient pressure drop. The device combines the functions of a liquid vapor trap and a pressure driven pump in a single unit.

ADCAPure SC32P condensate sample cooler

The ADCAPure SC32P sample cooler consists of a spiral heat exchanger used to take samples quickly and safely from steam generators, clean or pure steam systems, WFI and other high-rate media. Its spiral design saves significant space without compromise, and a counterflow path maximizes heat transfer and thus cooling efficiency. The vertical sampling side ensures self-drainability as the media flows naturally by gravity to the sample outlet without the possibility to stay inside.

DW40SS a series of sight glasses

DW40SS is a series of double-window sight glasses specifically designed for installation downstream of steam traps to monitor their performance, such as checking for leakage or live steam blockage. Such devices can also be used to monitor flow conditions in other applications, especially in liquid medium pipelines.

ADCAPure pressure reducing valves

ADCAPure P161 is a series of angle-designed direct-acting diaphragm pressure reducing valves. Available with spring or dome loading, these regulators are designed for use with clean steam, compressed air, water and other gases or liquids compatible with the materials of construction and valve design.

ADCAPure vacuum valves for tanks

The ADCAPure MSAV series of sponge style air valves are used in atmospheric tanks to prevent contamination from foreign objects via the vent connection. The unit is fully manufactured from 316L stainless steel with a rounded sponge cover, perforated barrier and clamped connections.

ADCA vacuum valves

VB17 is a series of vacuum valves designed to automatically relieve or “break” an unwanted vacuum condition. Applications include venting and vacuum relief in pipelines, vessels, heat exchangers, autoclaves, steam boilers and other machinery.